Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Give Credit When Credit's Due

It's no surprise to anyone when I say that I am no fan of the Cowboys. Growing up and in my home now we live by the ABC rule - (Anybody But the Cowboys). The abhorrence started back in the early 90's when they were winning all the Superbowl's and everyone was jumping on the band wagon; there was the arrogance of Michael Irvin and through this whole thing you still have Jerry Jones at the helm making bad decisions and bringing in troubled players that cause more trouble off the field then help on the field.

There is a point to this post, I swear I'm not just venting.

The Cowboys have been going through a bit of a rough patch as of late, what with and Romo's broken pinkie, Pacman Jones getting into more trouble, and a slew of other injuries not to mention they have lost of few games during this time. But they have won their last two games with much applause from the Dallas newpapers. Let's take a look at the last two games and who the opponents were. Week 12 - first game back with Romo and they have to have the fearsome 2-9 49ers and in week 13 on Thanksgiving day they faced the powerhouse 2-9 Seahawks. Woohoo they won both games!
Let's hold off on the "Cowboys are back" talk until they face some real teams again. Their last four weeks should be a test against the Steelers, Giants, Ravens and Eagles. If they can come out with winning two games I will be surprised. Let's also not forget that it is December.


Jill Brown said...

So can't wait for the implosion that is the Cowboys in December.

Unknown said...

It brings tears to my eyes to know I raised you right.