John L. Parker is a renowned runner and author of “Once a Runner”, a cult classic among runners and the number 1 out of print book of 2007. He has also recently published his follow up book “Again to Carthage” after 30 years. My post today is not on the books or the impact that they have had on the running community; my post is on a quote from John Parker that I would like to hear some comments on. The quote goes as such, “If the furnace it hot enough it will burn anything.”
Personally I like this quote because it justifies my ice cream and Dr. Pepper habit.
As far as the Anything Will Burn quote, great stuff. As far as being "the author of the number 1 out of print book of 2007," that leaves a pretty flat taste. Sort of like Dr. Pepper left in an open container for too long.
OK, so in your opinion what is the greatest book no longer in publication?
I guess what I meant to say is, if you're going to boast, don't boast that your book is the # 1 out of print book. That's sort of like saying you run the best prison without inmates in the world.
But to answer your question, this has to be in the top 10. Once I tried reading it in French, which was of course readily available. Bad idea.
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