Monday, August 4, 2008

Farve From Over

I know that it is late in the game (no pun intended) to start talking about Brett Favre but I haven't had my chance to rant yet. So the latest news is that Brett reported for spring training this morning so in order to not cause the distraction, that he wanted to avoid, he arrived on a private jet and yucked it up with big waves to the media at hand. Don't get me wrong I think that Brett was a fantastic quarterback and would consider him to be one of the greatest to play the game. He left on a high note and was known as one of the good guys of sports. He has now turned into a diva that is thriving on the attention. Ted Thompson didn't exactly handle the situation very suavely but what are you suppose to do with a guy that keeps crying wolf over the past couple of years. Brett doesn't exactly come away with a clean face either considering he was trying to play the victim all the while he was contacting Minnesota on a team issued cell phone. Unfortunately this will play far into the season and probably taint many great things that will happen this year.

I know that it is bad luck to talk about a curse, but what about THE CURSE. It truly seemed that this would be the year that the whole nonsense went down in flames; I mean how does a curse effect a retired QB, that's right, the answer is it can't.

Now with that said can Steve Smith breaking Ken Lucas' face be the big drama in the NFL for a couple of days?

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