Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What I've Learned

Training will teach you a lot about yourself and the oddities that it will cause to your body.

Here's what I've learned:

  1. Get used to the smell of chlorine. Somehow chlorine can penetrate your sweat ducts and if you swim on Wednesday you will smell like it when you run on Thursday
  2. 27 degrees is cold enough that on a 1:45 run condensation will freeze on your beard.

  3. Make friends with the wind and cold (you'll give up before they do)
  4. You can have a good conversation with a dog on a 2 hour run
  5. Get comfortable in spandex
  6. There is nothing that will keep your feet warm during a 3 hour ride when the temperature is in the 20's. Just deal with it and hope that you don't have a run after wards
  7. Continuation from above...Frozen toes on a run are very painful as they warm back up
  8. I can eat a lot and often
  9. I lose about a pound an hour of sweat during a moderately warm day
  10. Permanent marker makes for an adequate sunblock (note the #30 on the back of the calf)
  11. And the number 1 thing that I learned from training is that the human body is capable of much more than we give it credit for.

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