There were a number of new developments in 2008, both technology and fashion wise, that I would have preferred stay in the dark caverns of non-existence or previous fashions that are making a come back that died for a good reason the first time. So I have come up with a few items that I would like to see disappear in 2009.
Big Sunglasses - I'm not quite sure how this trend ended up rearing it's ugly head again from the Jackie O. days but it has and now it must be snuffed out before someone gets shot.
To those of you that do wear these monstrosities, you are not an anime characters with eyes the size of dish plates. They don't make you look hot or edgy, they make you look like a bug.
Blue Tools - I don't know a single person that is important enough to need a Bluetooth headset. In fact this dog probably needs his Bluetooth as much as the normal person does. Maybe I'm not in with the inner circle of society that are movers and shakers and that's why I don't know anybody that needs a Bluetooth but I will tell you one thing that I do know, anyone that shops at Walmart, drives themselves around town or doesn't lives in a penthouse in New York City doesn't need one. I can't tell you how many times I have made a fool of myself by talking to someone that was looking at me but talking to someone else attached to their head.
This video sums up my feeling fairly well. (language starts gets a little rough at 1:50 in so if you want to stop it before then be my guest.)
"Popped" Collars - Now I have done some stupid things in my life but luckily none of them, to my knowledge, have ever been caught on film and placed on the internet for all to see. If they had I would have to hide my identity just like this guy. What's the purpose? You're not The Fonze.
I have even seen a pre-pubescent, future beer bong chugger with two, count them, two collared shirts on with both of them popped, be still my heart, it was a sight to see. Isn't it alot easier to just get a name tag that says "Hello, I'm a frat boy WASP, my dad bought me my car and I have no ideas about the reality of life"?
And finally, last but not least...
The Suburban Ghetto Look - Really this fashion trend is nothing new but it did take a step in a new direction this year and merged a few sub-cultures together to make one large smorgasbord of posers and wannabes. In general the gangster look used to be a pure genre which included only those from the inner city but has now spread to pre-teens in suburbia that show up to Ikea with their mom's in oversized SUV's (yes, I went to Ikea this weekend). Somehow the extreme sport group got a hold of this style and now the thing is to be a thug skater and motocrosser.
There is my summary of the year. If we all work together we can make this world a better place for all of us by pointing out stupidity in action.
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