There are few things that I feel very strongly about and get me riled up but this following post just happens to be one of them, so pardon me if it sounds a little angry but I'm a little angry.
In the beginning the BSA was a sound organization with the sole responsibility of teaching young boys morals, ethics and stewardship but through the years these core values have been tainted by inexperienced, unwilling and unknowledgable leaders and now by the ever mighty dollar.
I will be the first to admit that the BSA has some very valuable principles that every young man should know and respect like honor, honesty, leadership and responsibility but there are some gaping holes in what is taught and what is practiced. I was lucky enough to have an excited and knowledgeable Scout Master when I was going through and I learned a lot on my way to earning my Eagle. But these days the esteemed rank of Eagle has turned into a destination and not a journey. In the scout troop that I work with now we are encouraged to have all the boys to the rank of Eagle by the time they are 14 years old. This is an absurd and irresponsible request and anyone that has received their Eagle will agree.
On the linked to article above, the property belongs to the BSA so it is within their rights to do with it what they please as long as it is legal but that doesn't make it right, for example, adultery is not against the law so therefore I could commit adultery legally but I won't for many reason but mainly because it is against my morals and I intend to teach my children along these same moral lines. I can't do that if I have not lived up to those morals, just like the BSA can't teach young men about environmental stewardship if the organization as a whole is not practicing it themselves.
By the way, the picture at the top is not some random clear cutting picture that I found that is actually the fine work of the BSA.
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