Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acid Rock

In a report released this week by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, it appears that carbon levels effect more then just us land lubbers. Due to absorption of CO2 from the air the acid levels of our oceans is rising, which causes sound to travel further underwater. This spells band news for whales and dolphins who rely on sound for hunting and communication. The prediction from the MBARI is that sound will travel 70% further by the year 2050. Whales would be heavily impacted as their behavior can be disrupted from a mlitary sonar 300 miles away.

Think of it as our world suddenly getting way, way brighter, blindingly bright with no sunglasses anywhere.

Quick chemistry lesson:
pH (short for power of hydrogen) is a base (the opposite of an acid), as acid levels increase the pH goes down. It is a delicate balance as anyone that owns a pool will tell you.

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