25 days
Last Weeks Totals
Swim 9964 yards (5.66 miles)
Bike 174.7 miles
Run 20.6 miles
I haven't written anything in a while. That's not because there hasn't been anything going on, quite the opposite is true, there's just too much going on. I took the week of Spring Break off of work to get a long training week in, bought a new bike and had my first ever 30+ mile running week.
Before Kati got injured we had planned on me taking Spring Break off from work for a tough week of training, one that would be very difficult to balance alongside work. I was scheduled for 21 hours total, 200+ miles on the bike, 30+ miles running and about 9,000 yards in the pool.
This was a great week of training that I rather enjoyed. Generally I'm trying to fit training into a work schedule that gets to be a juggling act but having the week off, being able to sleep in and do the workout whenever I wanted to was oh so very nice.
This was the first week of really pleasant weather we've had through our long Texas winter so I was finally able to start training in race day gear to make sure that there wasn't going to be any chafing issues. Our highs were in the low 70's and I actually got sunburned for the first time this year because I just wasn't used to putting on sunscreen before heading out on a long ride.
Over all the week was fairly uneventful except that I made one of the vest purchases ever. I sold my Specialized Allez Elite and bought a Felt B16. This is such a sexy machine. On my first ride I had to get used to the new wheels and being down in aero position for as much of the ride as possible. As an example of how much a good bike can do for you, Monday I rode 45 miles on the old bike and on Thursday did 55 miles on the new bike and had a 1 mph average improvement between the two rides. I was stoked!
The weekend threw me a huge curve ball that I did not expect. Throughout the week the weather was perfect but then Texas weather did what it does best and brought in the snow for Saturday and Sunday which sidelined my planned 115 mile ride on Saturday. This was unfortunate but I had a back up plan.
You did have a break from work so I guess that counts. I noticed that you have mentioned to say what your beautiful sunburn looks like :-)
Nice bike! We are a felt family...at least for now. Jesse just got a new Z4. His last bike ended up not making it out in one piece from the wreck last fall.
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