Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Public Service Announcement

I learned this morning, from one of our neighbors, that our old neighbors from the other side of our house had their 10 month old baby die after it choked to death on a piece hot dog. They called 911 but the ambulance didn't show up soon enough so they made their way to the ER and didn't make it in time.

I'm not going to go into whether I think a 10 month old should be eating hot dog's, that's beside the point at this time, but rather stress to everyone, including myself, to get certified in infant first aid. There are so many things that are too different between adult first aid and infant first aid that you can't rely on the one to get you out of a potential deadly situation with the other. Check the Red Cross website to find your local chapter and their calender of instruction classes. The classes are generally long and not free but I guarantee you that my neighbors would give anything to have paid that $90 fee to save their child's life.

This was their first and obviously only child.

1 comment:

Ed said...

wow! I guess I am grateful for those first aid/CPR classes I had to take to be able to take my boys home...